Sales should reach €2.2 billion for 2019 in the five years up to 2024 and although their growth will slow slightly, they’ll see a still-healthy compound annual growth rate of 11.2% to reach €3.8 billion.The researchers said that the growth will be supported by the normalisation of e-commerce and by expansion in m-commerce as consumers increasingly switch to making purchases on their smartphones.คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง
And of course, it will also be helped by the ever-increasing number (and variety) of products available via mono- and multi-brand webstores, as well as by customer-pleasing initiatives such as the flexible payment options that retailers are racing to introduce.And that’s particularly important for the fashion sector as clothing and footwear currently makes up the biggest e-tail product segmentคำพูดจาก ทดลองใช้ สูตรสล็อต. This isn’t likely to change as the overall e-commerce market grows. Fashion should account for 39% of total revenue from e-tail this year, ahead of consumer electronics on 33%.As far as individual retailers are concerned, Amazon is the only name with a share of more than 5%, while eBay has 3.6% of the market. As these figures indicate, Irish shoppers are very outward-looking and are as focused on buying from international names as from local ones. A PayPal survey last year, quoted by the Irish Times, said 84% of those living in the ROI buy from overseas sites.